Friday, October 25, 2013

BLOGPOST 6: Is Pessimism a Choice?

How you see the world, whether an optimistic or pessimistic view, definitely makes a difference in your life. There may be some people that are wired up with negativity, some people lean toward a pessimistic view, and some people take pessimism to a whole greater level.  But to have think it over again, who do we blame for this thinking? Is it because you are the beloved of God that's why you are the chosen one? Thinking about how they arrived at such disposition, can we blame our genes for this?

To kill the curiosity, I went through different articles that may help me out in this research. I found an article entitled New link found between genes and pessimism by Jennifer Wade from the website The article interests me because it made an ignorant like me knowledgeable of this scientific phenomena of this .

According to the article, from the study of University of British Columbia, there are people that are genetically predisposed to see the world in a negative way. It is also a surprise for researchers for such findings also show that genetics can affect individual differences in emotional perception and human subjectivity.

The author also added,
“The findings suggest people experience emotional aspects of the world partly through gene-coloured glasses — and that biological variations at the genetic level can play a significant role in individual differences in perception.”

Well, that answers it! There is indeed a specific gene variant that causes pessimists to recognize negativity more than any other people. This gene is namely "ADRA2B deletion variant" which is found to play a role in the formation of emotion. This gene variant also play a role when humans perceive thing. Once in a while, we can't deny we've gone pessimistic in a situation. But it goes to show that there are some that exceed the normal level of negativity, making them a natural born pessimists. Thus, this genetic variation affect how people view and sustain the world. If this is so, then we can infer that some people are just forced to be pessimistic in words and actions.

Another article that affirms the first one is entitled, Hater gonna hate New Study Reveals People Just Dont Like Anything, by Daily Mail Reporter from the website of

The author stated that pessimism is part of their personality. From the study made of researchers, traits such as extroversion, introversion, optimism, and pessimism differ from normal disposition. In addition, there are just some people who are naturally pessimistic in life regardless of what they are. It doesn't limit to pessimists, even optimists may tend to dislike anything.

The author also considered the study conducted by Justin Hepler, who is a professor of psychology. In which he selected a sample of 1,300 people, who were presented with a list of 200 unrelated items and concepts, including babies on airplanes, canoes, Facebook and lawyers. The researcher chose a list of 16 items and increased the number of participants in the study to 2,000. The study subject were asked to rate items on the list from 1 to 7, with the lower number representing 'extremely unfavorable' and the higher 'extremely favorable.' To connect the purpose of the study, participants also took surveys to test for personality traits like optimism and introversion. From this study, I have concluded that while some personalities are often compliant with other matter, there were still statistically distinct from one another.In other words, these are how people result to this disposition. Some fell in the category of optimists, for example, loved a lot of things, but there were others in the same group who hated many of the items on the list. In addition, researchers say that some pessimists who wish to adjust their attitude towards various things could do so by spending time in the company of friends with a positive outlook.

To sum things up, there are really some people that are meant to be negatively inclined. It may be that some chose to become a pessimist, but technically, there are some who are really programmed to become pessimists. We can't blame them after all. It's not the life that they choice. Instead, we should just respect their being. In addition, it just shows that PESSIMISM IS GENETIC AND HEREDITARY. It just show that there is a certain chemical that makes people to become pessimists. Thus, I conclude that PESSIMISTS WILL CONTINUE TO GROW INDEFINITELY. That makes them Immortal! It will be passed and passed to different generations. If that is so, then does it mean that pessimists are immortal too? :)

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