Tuesday, October 1, 2013

BLOGPOST 1: A Mistaken Perspective

"I'll never.." "I can't." "I won't." These are just simple words you often hear from someone who has a negative viewpoint in life. You hear them saying "No" instead of "Yes". You hear them saying "Dont expect.", instead of "There's hope." And the people around come to comprehend their being, like "How do these people arrive at such thinking?" It has got a bad name. Of course, who could have thought of the sunny side of the gloomy night? The common wisdom is that you give negative feedback to something negative. If you find it in the contrary, you dont bother finding the good side about it. People simply avoid it, because it's adverse. People now are becoming unaware that the negativity leaves them to see it as it is without assessing the reality behind it. My blog is not after to change your disposition in life. But I am going to comprehend the perspective people see with pessimism. By this blog, I will behold the phenomena behind the term "Pessimism"

While searching for an article, I found one entitled "Why Pessimism is Underrated?",  by an author anonymously named as "Gleek Gamer". From the title itself, I actually thought it was something negative about pessimism. They say "Don't judge the book by its cover." Well,the article proved me wrong.

Based from the article's quoted definition, Merriam Webster defined Pessimism as:

"An inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome"

Pessimism isnt just anticipating the bad every time. Considering the negativity leaves people to be aware and to be reminded of the true things to live for. There is a certain benefit. That is they tend to picture the things that will give them a great dismay. With that, THINGS EVEN GET BETTER. Take note, BETTER. 

Most of us have drilled in our minds that pessimism has a no way to go.  The author stated, "No hope equals no letdown." I couldnt agree more with this.  People have lived with high expectations. It is evident even in the "The Hunger Games" that each of the district lived with a hope of getting their favorites win. If they dont play favorites, then there wouldnt be a great dismay. You get your hopes up. You get happy if you get what you expected. But if it happens that your expectations dont go on your way, YOU GET SAD, FRUSTRATED, AND DISAPPOINTED.  With a pessimistic mind, you wont feel the same grief if things don't turn out in your favor. 

The author also added that Pessimism is knowing and accepting the facts in life. It is probably a surprise when things turn out beneficial to you. Why? It's because it's not what you expected in the first place. When things turn out in your favor without expecting anything, it’s a great surprise to you. This clearly states that Happiness doesnt limit with the optimists. We may say that optimists could get in the way, but the level of happiness from a pessimistic mind differs from the feeling of relief from the optimists. Happiness is in a higher state when things are unexpected! 

Another article which affirms pessimism as positive is entitled, "Why There's Nothing Wrong With Being A PessimisT by written by Krissy Brady. The author introduced the so called "Defense Pessimism" in which it may still be the same way as looking down on everything but you let it be that the feeling of grief is there for certain benefits. It works in the same way as the first article stated.

The author also added that this negative thinking makes one to be prepared of the difficulties in life. If so that troubles get in the way, one will be prepared to face this challenge may it be physically, socially, and emotionally. Just as a pessimist sees such negativity within life, life expectation downgrades in order to get ready with life disappointments. Perhaps it seemed like an emergency kit for people confronting problems.


The author stated ways on how pessimism could be taken as a benefit.
1. "Use pessimism as motivation." Low expectations from pessimists makes them thrive for progress.
2."Use Pessimism to decrease anxiety." Pessimism decreases anxiety for it makes you prepared for everything. Considering all the negativity eases the feeling of worriness.
3. "Dont let it take over your life." Well , it is really a must to keep everything in moderation. It's time to move on with every little failures. What's important is our priorities
4. "Dont listen to positive people." Researchers say that it turns out to be different when  optimists pressure a pessimist to take things positively. 
5. "Dont burden others with your Pessimism." It's better to keep the pessimism to yourself instead of bothering people to cheer you up. 

The feeling is cloud 9 whenever things turn out in our favor. Words couldn't express the happiness felt whenever . But it can never neglect the fact that at some point it'll go on the contrary, like "what if it goes the other way?" This enters the fact that we need to consider the downside of getting our hopes up. Both articles circulate to the fact that by being pessimistic, we will rarely suffer from getting our feelings hurt as bad because we don't expect anything. In some ways, considering the proper wisdom in this perspective may really help to turn out beneficial to us. This is actually a very positive thing.

Pessimism may take every situation turn out bad. No matter what it is, a pessimist will think of a hundred ways something will not work or how it will go wrong. But on the other hand, we must consider that life would turn out in a happy journey if surprises and satisfactions as things constantly go better than you had planned or expected, while the optimist would cry over things in frustration because things didn't work in his way. I must say, this negativity isn't that negative at all!

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